[Angular] 使用cli指令,一次增加module和module-route 取得連結 Facebook X Pinterest 以電子郵件傳送 其他應用程式 - 2月 08, 2023 ng generate module demandDepartment --route demandDepartment --module app.module 取得連結 Facebook X Pinterest 以電子郵件傳送 其他應用程式 留言
[Angular] 閒置登出作法 - 1月 20, 2021 app.componemt.ts 偵測事件 // 如自動登出功能有bug 則停用以下-------- @ HostListener ( ' window:keyup ' , []) @ HostListener ( ' window:click ' , []) @ HostListener ( ' window:wheel ' , []) @ HostListener ( ' window:mousemove ' , []) resetTimer () { this . authService . notifyUserAction () ; } authService export class AuthService { isLoggedIn = false ; // ! 閒置登出時間請更改這參數的數字 endtimeSet = 30 ; // 這邊讓單位變成分鐘秒 endTime = this . endtimeSet * 60 ; // store the URL so we can redirect after logging in redirectUrl : string ; constructor ( private router : Router ) {} // 偵... 閱讀完整內容
[Angular Materail] 檔案上傳範例 - 1月 12, 2021 範例 https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-material-file-input-with-form-field?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts 來源 https://forum.angular.tw/t/topic/1972/5 html < mat-card > < p mat-card-title > Test file input with form field </ p > < mat-divider ></ mat-divider > < mat-card-content > < br >< br > < hello [ name ] = "name" ></ hello > < mat-form-field style = "width: 100%;" > < mat-label > File matInput </ mat-label > < button mat-icon-button matPrefix ( click ) = "f_input.click()" > < mat-icon > attach_file </ mat-icon > </ button > ... 閱讀完整內容
[Angular Material] 搜尋式下拉選單範例 - 1月 12, 2021 範例 https://stackblitz.com/edit/filter-select 來源 https://forum.angular.tw/t/topic/1722/4 HTML < mat-card > < p mat-card-title > Angular Material Select With Filter </ p > < mat-divider ></ mat-divider > < mat-card-content > < br >< br > < mat-form-field style = "width: 100%;" > < mat-label > Pick a language </ mat-label > < mat-select [ formControl ] = "control" > < mat-option disabled > < input type = "text" matInput [ formControl ] = "filter" placeholder = "Filter..." > </ mat-option > ... 閱讀完整內容